Personal Information on Internet

Now on day's everybody have accounts on different social media, but have we thought about the risk of having one? In my opinion, I think is not good to give personal information to websites, because they don't only sell your "data" to others company's, they also publish them so it can be accessible to other's people, and that could turn in some ways of internet harassment or bullying. Imagine yourself publishing a picture of a party you went, a family trip, or something like that, and a person you don´t know starts commenting mean things about you or someone you care, I just couldn't stand it. For this reason is that I don't like social media, and I try to use other's ways of communicate with my friends and family, for example, calling them on my cell phone or going to visit them. I think is always better a real life interaction, than the one you can do through the internet, and also is more fun, so stop reading this post, and go outside to play J -.


  1. Oh I have a similiar opinions for the social media, you can write for this in yours investigations!

  2. The bullying part is sooo true, we have to be carefull with that, specially with our little relatives and their activity online

  3. I agree with you but I recognize that social medias play an important place relate with exchange cultural information


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